Circulation & Access Services
Circulation and Access Services are those services related to accessing and borrowing materials from the libraries. This includes checking books in and out, renewing items, fines, reserves, off-campus access, access to electronic resources, directional help and building management. Circulation and Access Services are available whenever the library is open, with the exception of Finals Hours, when the service desks close at midnight.
Many people who work in the Libraries including students, faculty and staff come together to make sure access to Library resources are available to those eligible to use them. Your books may be checked out to you by a student, a staff member may troubleshoot your login problems and a faculty member my assist you with a database access glitch.
Circulation & Access Services Provides Service Points
West Circulation Desk
Located just inside the west doors (fountain side) of the J.D. Williams Library is Circulation West. Circulation West is the primary circulation and access service point for the University Libraries You can check materials in and out of the Library, renew items, pay library fines, let us know about access problems and receive general directions to other service points in the building. Circulation West also serves as the Reserve Desk and as well as the headquarters for Collection and Stacks Maintenance. Circulation West is open whenever the library is open with the exception of Finals Hours, when the desk closes at midnight.
East Circulation Desk
Located just inside the east doors or Lyceum side of the J.D. Williams Library is Circulation East. Circulation East, a secondary service point, serves as a location to check materials in and out of the Library and to renew items.
The Science Library Circulation Desk
The Science Library handles Circulation and Access for:
- The School of Pharmacy
- The Department of Chemistry
- The Department of Biochemistry
- The Natural Products Center
Circulation and Access in the Science Library follow the same terms and uses the same services as the J.D. Williams Library Circulation and Access . The only difference is that the materials are picked up, delivered from and checked out at the Science Library.
Book Drop Location

Do not leave materials outside the book drop. You are responsible for their safe return.
An enclosed metal bin, Book Drop, is located at the corner of Dormitory Row North and Dormitory Row West. When returning materials via the Book Drop, be certain they fall safely inside the bin. Do not place Interlibrary Loan materials, reserves or video materials in the Book Drop. Do not leave books on top of or beside the Book Drop if it is full.