My role:
As Assistant Dean for Technical Services & Automation, I provide leadership and vision for the Technical Services division which includes the departments of Metadata & Digital Initiatives and Continuing Resources/Acquisitions. I also directly supervise the cross-functional area of automation (integrated library system). The Technical Services division works to help users discover materials independently with tools such as One Search, FindIt!, eGrove and the catalog. We also acquire/obtain access to resources needed by library users for their research. Whether you are using physical or online resources, work performed by Technical Services contributed to your success.
B.A. in Anthropology & Spanish, University of Mississippi
M.A. in Anthropology, University of Mississippi
M.L.I.S. Louisiana State University
Selected Publications and Presentations:
Selected Service:
- Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians, Harvard Institutes for Higher Education, 2010
- Beta Phi Mu, International Library & Information Studies Honor Society, 1998
- LITA/Geac Scholarship, Library Information Technology Association (LITA), 1997
- Lewis Mack Fellowship, Louisiana State University, 1997
- Marcus Elvis Taylor Medal, Awarded in Anthropology & Modern Languages, University of Mississippi, 1993
- Frances W. James Memorial Award in Anthropology, University of Mississippi, 1993
- Phi Kappa Phi Undergraduate Scholarship, Phi Kappa Phi, 1993
- W.R. and O.R. Price Scholarship in Modern Languages, University of Mississippi, 1992