My role:
As the Associate Head of Research & Instruction Services, I oversee all projects, collections, staff, and resources associated with AICPA and Government Information within the department. I am an active member of the UM Libraries First-year Instruction Initiative, serve as the liaison to the School of Business Administration, the School of Journalism and New Media, and the Department of Economics. I also serve as the Regional Depository Coordinator for Mississippi and the Government Documents Librarian at UML. I provide library instruction for undergraduate and graduate classes, perform collection management duties for assigned liaison areas, and provide assistance to students and faculty via research consultations.
To make an appointment: https://ashleysdees.youcanbook.me
M.L.I.S University of Southern Mississippi
B.A. University of Mississippi
Selected Publications and Presentations:
Dees, A.S., Dennis, M., & Durham, R. (2024). Measuring success with strategic partnerships: The impact of a university library and center for student success collaboration. In N. Watkins & T. Bennett (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Annual National Symposium on Student Retention, Miramar Beach, Florida. The University of Oklahoma. Refereed
Dennis, M. & Dees, A.S. (2024). Strategic alliances: The library as a partner for student success. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 50(6), 102964. Refereed
Dennis, M. & Dees, A.S. (2023). The library as a partner for student success and retention. In N. Watkins & T. Bennett (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th National Symposium on Student Retention, New Orleans, Louisiana, 218-234. The University of Oklahoma. Refereed
Dees, A.S. (2019). They do it here: A case study of how public space is used in a research library. The Southeastern Librarian, 67(2). Refereed
Dees, A.S., Reed, J., & Young, B. (2017) Searching for answers: Using student searches to determine engagement. Mississippi Libraries, 80(3), 49-52. Refereed
Young, B. & Dees, A.S. (2017). From Saboteurs to Change Management: Investigating the Correlation between Workplace Behavior and Change Resistance. The Proceedings of the ACRL 2017 Conference, March 22–25, Baltimore. Refereed
Dees, A.S. (2016). A business citation analysis: A local follow-up study. Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, 21(1), 49-59. Refereed
Dees, A.S. (2015). A bibliometric analysis of the scholarly publications of librarians at the University of Mississippi, 2008-2013. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41(3), 241-245. Refereed
Dennis, M. & Dees, A.S. (2015). It’s SO boring: Improving library orientation sessions for first-year students. The Southeastern Librarian, 63(2), 2-10. Refereed
Dees, A.S. (2015). Information entrepreneurs: Nonproprietary resources in the academic library. Mississippi Libraries, 78 (1), 2-3.
Dees, A.S., Dennis, M., & Durham, R. (2024). Measuring success with strategic partnerships: The impact of a university library and center for student success collaboration. The 20th Annual National Symposium on Student Retention, Miramar Beach, FL.
Dees, A.S. & Dennis, M. (2024). Supporting student success: Collaborative strategies in first-year instruction partnerships. MLA 2024 Conference, Natchez, MS.
Dennis, M. & Dees, A.S. (2023). The library as a partner for student success and retention. The 19th Annual National Symposium on Student Retention, New Orleans, LA.
Dees, A.S. (2023). Enhancing critical thinking skills through true crime research: The case of Lizzie Borden. ARLA.SELA 2023 Conference, Hot Springs, AR.
Dees, A.S. (2022). Ask an editor: Demystifying the journal publication process. MLA/SELA 2022 Conference, Meridian, MS.
Dees, A.S. (2020). Assessment during a pandemic: Using ACRL’s project OUTCOME to assess instruction and plan for the future. GA/SELA 2020 Conference, Virtual.
McCutcheon, C., Dees, A.S., & Dodge, T. (2019). Making space for students: Deselection and renovation projects in academic libraries. ARLA/SELA 2019 Conference, Hot Springs, AR.
Dees, A.S. & Sanders, J. (2019). Improving user experience in the library. Mississippi Library Association Conference, Jackson, MS.
Kirk, J., Johnson, H., Dees, A.S. (2018). Basics for newcomers: Navigating government information. Western States Government Information Conference, online.
Dees, A.S., Kelly, S., & Parks, C. (2018). Coordinating first-year library instruction: 7 librarians, 13 courses, 15 student learning outcomes, and 8,187 students. MLA-ACRL Summer Program, Oxford, MS.
Dees, A.S. & Terrell, D. (2017). Best practices for using government information in all libraries. Mississippi Library Association Conference, Hattiesburg, MS.
Dees, A.S. (2017). I like it over here: Exploring student use and preferences in the Academic Library. MLA-ACRL Spring Program, Starkville, MS.
Young, B. & Dees, A.S. (2017). From saboteurs to change management: Investigating the correlation between workplace behavior and change resistance. ACRL 2017 Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Dees, A.S. & Dennis, M. (2016). They do it here: How students use space in a research library. GaCOMO/Southeastern Library Association Conference, Athens, GA.
Dees, A.S. & Reed, J. (2016). Searching for answers: Using student searches to determine engagement. Mississippi Library Association Conference, Vicksburg, MS.
Dennis, M. & Dees, A.S. (2015). Are we boring you? Using first-year student feedback to evaluate a library orientation session. Mississippi Library Association Conference, Natchez, MS.
2024 Mississippi Library Association (MLA) Outstanding Achievement Award: Given for contributions in one or more of the following areas – Library promotion resulting in permanent library service improvement; Contributions to professional literature; or Outstanding service in one individual library unit.
2022 Southeastern Library Association (SELA) Hal Mendelsohn Award: Given for continual, dedicated, outstanding service to SELA.
2019 Mississippi Library Association (MLA) Past Presidents Award: Given to an outstanding beginning professional librarian with two to six years of professional experience who is an active MLA member
2018 Federal Depository Library of the Year: Received during my first full year as Regional Depository Coordinator and during UM Libraries 135th anniversary as a FDLP
Beta Phi Mu
Phi Kappa Phi