Finding-Aid for the Vice-Chancellor Collection (MUM00651)
J.D. Williams Library
Department of Archives and Special Collections
P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848, USA
Phone: 662.915.7408
Fax: 662.915.5734
Access Restrictions
Use Restriction
Box 1
1. A & I Board, 1955-58.
2. Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor for.
3. Academic Council, 1970-72.
4. Accountancy, 1965-73.
5. Accountancy & General Business, 1974-75.
6. Accreditation, 1962-69.
7. Aerospace Studies, 1973.
8. Agricultural Research Service, 1969.
9. Agricultural Research Service, 1970.
10. Agricultural Research Service, 1972.
11. Agricultural Research Service, 1973.
Box 2
1. Air & Water Pollution Control Commission, 1972.
2. Alfred Hume Memorial Foundation, 1952-58.
3. Allegations, c. 1967.
4. Alumni Activities, 1968-73.
5. American association of University Professors, 1961-69.
6. American association of University Professors, 1970-74.
Box 3
1. Architecture, School of.
2. Art, 1967-69.
3. Art, 1971-73.
4. Art, 1973-74.
5. Arts Degree, Doctor of.
6. Associated Student Body, 1965-75.
7. Association of American Colleges.
Box 4
1. Band, 1968-73.
2. Banking, Chair of, 1960-61.
3. Banking, Chair (Dr. Lewis), 1975.
4. Banking, School of, 1957, 1970-73.
5. Biology, 19970-72.
6. Biology, 1972-73.
7. Biology, 19973-75.
8. Biology, Applications, 1974.
Box 5
1. Board of Trustees Correspondence, 1965-68.
2. Board of Trustees Correspondence, 1967.
3. Board of Trustees Correspondence, 1969.
4. Board of Trustees Correspondence, 1970.
5. Board of Trustees Correspondence, 1971.
6. Board of Trustees Correspondence, 1972.
7. Budget.
Box 6
1. Buildings, 1965-70.
2. Business Administration & Office Education, 1970-75.
3. Business Administration, Dean’s Office, 1973-74.
4. Business, School of, Dean, 1974-75.
5. Business & Government, School of, 1964-69.
6. Business & Government, School of, 1970-73.
7. Business Manager, 1972-75.
Box 7
1. Business Manager
2. Campus Senate, 1965-69.
3. Cattanach, Catherine, 1973.
4. Chancellor, 1953-72.
5. Chancellor – Narrative for Annual Report to Legislature, 1970-73.
Box 8
1. Chancellor – Correspondence.
2. Chancellor – Correspondence.
3. Chemistry, 1962-71.
Box 9
1. Chemistry, 1971-73.
2. Chemistry, 1973-74.
3. Chemistry, 1973-75.
4. Chemistry, Medical, 1973.
5. Chemistry, Medical.
6. Citations, 1951-70.
7. City Planning, 1966-72.
8. Civil Rights Compliance Committee, 1965-72.
Box 10
1. Civil Rights, 1964-65.
2. Classics, 1960-69.
3. Classics, 1969-73.
4. Classics, 1973-75.
5. Committee of Nine, 1962-63.
6. Criminal Justice Committee, 1973.
7. Communicative Disorders, 1971-72.
8. Communicative Disorders, 1972-73.
9. Communicative Disorders, 1973-75.
10. Demonstrations, Information on.
11. Dentistry, School of.
12. Development, Director of.
13. Diplomat-in-Residence.
14. Discipline, Committee on Academic.
Box 11
1. Division Heads.
2. Division Heads.
3. Division Heads.
4. Division Heads.
5. Division Heads.
6. Drug Abuse Education.
Box 12
1. Dominick, Laurence A.
2. Economics & Business Administration.
3. Economics & Finance.
4. Editor.
5. Education Dean.
6. Education Dean.
7. Education, Elementary.
8. Education, Elementary.
9. Education, General.
10. Education, Higher.
11. Education, Secondary.
Box 13
1. Education, School of.
2. Education, Special.
3. Education, Special.
4. Education, Student Personnel.
5. Educational Administration.
6. Educational Administration.
7. Educational Administration.
8. Educational Psychology.
9. Educational Psychology.
10. Educational TV.
Box 14
1. English.
2. English.
3. English.
Box 15
1. Engineering, Chemical.
2. Engineering, Chemical.
3. Engineering, Civil.
4. Engineering, Civil.
5. Engineering Dean.
6. Engineering, Electrical.
7. Engineering, Electrical.
8. Engineering.
9. Engineering.
10. Engineering Experiment Station.
11. Engineering, Geological.
Box 16
1. Engineering, Geological.
2. Engineering, Mechanical.
3. Engineering, Mechanical.
4. Engineering, Mechanical.
5. Engineering Questionnaire.
6. English, 8/9/73-6/13/74.
Box 17
1. Extension.
2. Faculty Salaries.
3. Faculty Senate.
4. Federal-State Technology Study Project: NSF & NASA’s MTF – Miss. – Louisiana.
5. Forensic Science Program.
6. Gary, Miss Kay Olivia.
Box 18
1. Graduate Council.
2. Graduate Council.
3. Graduate Council.
Box 19
1. Graduate School.
2. Graduate School.
3. Graduate School.
4. Graduate School.
5. Graduate School Dean.
Box 20
1. Graduate School Dean.
2. Gulf Park Center.
3. Halstead, Dr. Frank G.
4. Health Care Administration, 1973.
5. Health Care Administration.
6. HEW
7. Health, Physical Education 1973.
8. Health, Physical Education, & Recreation.
Box 21
1. Health Related Professions.
2. Higher Education Facilities Act – 1965.
3. History.
4. History, Department of.
Box 22
1. Holmes, Thomas B., Jr.
2. Home Economics 1973.
3. Home Economics.
4. Home Economics, Department of.
5. Homecoming Report 1971.
6. Homecoming Report 1972.
7. Honorary Degrees, Awarding of.
8. Honors (Designation of).
9. Honors Day Programs.
10. Hospital Pharmacy Residency Program.
11. Hospital, University.
12. Investigations Involving Human Subjects, Investitutional Assurance of.
Box 23
1. Journalism, Dept. of.
2. Journalism, 1973.
3. W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
4. Kennedy, Senator Robert.
5. Kershaw.
6. Dr. Kiger’s Proposal.
7. Law Library.
8. Law, School of.
Box 24
1. Law, School of, 7/72-6/73.
2. Law School.
3. Law School.
Box 25
1. Law School 68-69.
2. Law School 7/69-6/70.
3. Law School 7/70-6/72.
Box 26
1. Law, Dean’s Office – 1973.
2. Dean – School of Law – 1974.
3. Associate Dean – School of Law – 1974.
4. Legislative Development Program.
5. Leon, Dr. Harry Irving.
6. Leonard, Dr. Thomas B., III
Box 27
1. Liberal Arts, College of.
2. Liberal Arts, College of.
3. Liberal Arts, Dean’s Office — 1973.
4. Dean — College of Liberal Arts — 1974.
5. Assoc. Dean — College of Liberal Arts — 1974.
6. Liberal Arts Development Program.
Box 28
1. Library — 1972-1973.
2. Library.
3. Library Catch-up Fund.
4. Library Science.
5. Maddox, John.
Box 29
1. Management & Marketing, Department of, 2/4/68 — 10/31/72.
2. Management & Marketing — 1973.
Box 30
1. Marines Center, University.
2. Mary Buie Museum — 1973-74.
3. Mathematics, Department of.
4. Mathematics — 1973.
5. Medical Center — 7/72-6/73.
Box 31
1. Medical Center — 1956-72.
2. Medical Center — 1973-.
3. Medical Center — 1974.
4. Curriculum Vitae — Medical Dean — 1972.
5. Nominees — Medical Dean — 1972.
Box 32
1. Medical Center — Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
2. Mental Health Program.
3. Medical School Advisory Committee — 3/72.
4. Mental Retardation Center.
5. Meredith Case (James H.)
Box 33
1. Military Departments.
2. Military Science — 1973.
3. Miscellaneous.
4. Miscellaneous.
5. Miscellaneous.
Box 34
1. Miscellaneous — 1965.
2. Miscellaneous.
3. Miscellaneous.
4. Mississippi Folklore Society.
5. Mississippi Association of Hospital Governing Boards.
6. Mississippi State University.
7. Mississippian, The.
8. Modern Languages, Department of.
9. Modern languages, Department of.
Box 35
1. Modern languages — 1973.
2. Morris, John B.
3. Music — 1973.
4. Music, Department of.
5. Music, Department of.
6. NASA — Proposals.
Box 36
1. Naval Science — 6/21/73-6/11/75.
2. Negro History and Culture.
3. Newspaper.
4. N — Newspaper Clippings.
5. Noyes, C.E.
6. Nursing Education.
7. Nursing, School of — 1946-1973.
8. Oak Ridge Institute.
9. ODK — Mortar Board.
10. Oxford, City of.
11. Oxford City Schools.
Box 37
1. Personnel, Committee on — 3/24/59-11-10/76.
2. Personnel Office — 7/12/63-6/4/74.
3. Pharmacy, School of — Annual Faculty Proposal.
4. Pharmacy, School of — 1966(one piece), 1969(one piece), 1970-1971.
5. Pharmacy, School of — 1/17/71-6/25/73.
6. Pharmacy, Dean’s Office — July 1, 1973-June 30, 1974.
Box 38
1. Pharmacy – 1969-71.
2. Pharmacy, School of, Dean – January 1973-May 30, 1975.
3. Pharmacy, School of, Deanship.
4. Pharmaceutics.
5. Pharmaceutics – 1973.
6. Pharmacology.
7. Pharmacology – 1973.
8. Pharmacognosy.
9. Pharmacognosy – 1973.
Box 39
1. Phi Beta Kappa – 3/8/50-3/22/68.
2. Phi Kappa Phi – 4/50-5/3/67.
3. Philosophy, Department of – 5/23/68-4/6/73.
4. Philosophy & Religions – 3/27/74-4/25/75.
5. Physical Plant – 4/29/63-11/12/71.
6. Physics & Astronomy – 11/9/66-6/8/73.
7. Physics & Astronomy – Nov 1972-5/27/75.
Box 40
1. Political Science – 4/21/66-6/19/73.
2. Political Science – 10/15/73-6/10/75.
3. President’s Council – 8/14/68-6/19/74.
4. Psychology, Department of.
5. Psychology, Department of – 8/10/73-2/6/74.
6. Psychology – 6/20/73-6/75.
7. Public Health Service – 1/8/69-7/5/72.
Box 41
1. Public Relations – 6/29/73-4/7/75.
2. Radio Station Application – 1974.
3. Radio and Television – 12/22/65-5/1/69.
4. Radio and Television – 1974.
5. Reading Services Center – 7/7/72-2/12/73.
6. Registrar – 11/25/69-6/8/72.
7. Revised Retirement and Extension of Service – University of Mississippi.
8. ROTC Compulsory Program – Fall 1954.
9. Rowan Oak – William Faulkner – 9/6/63-1/11/72.
Box 42
1. Search Committee, Director of Information Systems – 7/7/75.
2. Search Committee – V/C for A/A.
3. Sigma Xi.
4. Sociology & Anthropology, Department of.
5. Sociology & Anthropology – 1973.
Box 43
1. S-Schmidt, Bernardine – 1946-1949.
2. Scholars Program.
3. Scholarship Committee.
4. Science Center Committee – 1961-2/25/72.
5. Science Center.
6. Social Work, Graduate School of.
Box 44
1. Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
2. Southern Regional Education Board.
3. Speech & Theater – 9/27/68-6/12/73.
4. Speech & Theater – 1973.
Box 45
1. Stead, Kenneth A.
2. Students – Miscellaneous.
3. Student Personnel, Division of.
4. 10940 Executive Vice Chancellor: Supplies & Expense.
5. Swartzbaugh, Richard G.
6. Telephone: Executive Vice Chancellor 10940
Box 46
1. Universities Center.
2. Universities Center.
3. Universities Center.
4. University & College Press Committee.
5. Urban Planning – 1973.