Finding-Aid for the Graduating/Senior Theses Collection (MUM00564)
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Graduating/Senior Theses Collection
Box 1: Graduating Theses 1878-1889 and Miscellaneous
Folder 1.1 Handwritten Inventory, 1858-1934 (incomplete).
Folder 1.2 Senior Theses, 1878.
Gillespie, George Yancey Jr., Antityphoid Inoculation.
Volume 1.1 Graduating Theses 1888-1889
Class of 1888
Bien, Joseph, Ancient Hebrew Civil and Criminal Law.
Bryson, John C., The Science of Wealth.
Furr, James W., Human Thought In History.
Gulliland, Ed C., Appeal of Islands to the Imagination.
Gully, James B., Should Suffrage Be Restricted
Long, C.P., What the United States Has Done For the Cause of Liberty and the Advancement of the World.
McElroy, J.B., Culture and Practical Life.
McKay, Haden M., Civil Service Reform.
Meek, R.A., Our Social Outlook.
Napier, J.O., Jr., The Importance of Legislation.
Nettles, W.K., The Prohibition Status.
Provine, J.W., European Politics.
Reeves, Jackson, Progress of the Signal Service of the United States.
Reeves, Sarah Alice, The Importance and Possibilities of Educated Womanhood.
Rowland, Dunbar, What of the South?
Watson, H.C., The Mission of the Thinker.
Wendel, Robert Paine, Restriction of the Suffrage.
Whitehead, J.B., Law A Progressive Science.
Williams, W.D., Folk-lore.
Wright, Marcus J., Law and Equity.
Class of 1889
Aldrich, Lawson Burfoot, Significance of Ought.
Anderson, W.E., Thoughts on Republicanism.
Arrington, John Hodge, Jefferson Davis The Greatest Living American.
Ashley, W.F., The Imagination.
Brown, J.D., Treasures of the English Language.
Buck, E.J., Railroads, Are They Credited With the Good They Do?
Eckles, J.D., The Development of the Law as to Married Women in Mississippi.
Fitzhugh, G.T., True Culture — The Aim of Life.
Hemingway, W.S., The South as a Field For Fiction.
Lampton, T.B., Dangers of American Optimism.
Little, Mary, The Romance of the Lighthouse.
McWhorton, S.M., A Review of Our Civilization.
Mills, W. P., The Russian Exile System.
Mitchell, W.M., The Early English Drama.
Pierce, E.B., The Ideal Man.
Ross, John B., American Statesmanship.
Shields, Walton, Progress of Our Country.
Smith, Charles Firman, The American Farmer.
Spence, J.J.L., Prehistoric Civilization in America.
Swinney, Chas. C., The Spanish Armada.
Thompson, James Barnett, The Philosophic Basis of Theism.
Whitten, Lula, Gems.
Williams, John Fernanders, Life is Real, Life is Earnest.
Box 2: Graduating Theses 1890-1892.
Volume 2.1 Graduating Theses, 1890-1891
Class of 1890
Thompson, L.E. (?),Legislative Control Over Corporations.
[no author], The Class of ’90.
Woods, H.J., Restrictions of the Liberty of the Press.
Price, J.H., The Negro.
Alcorn, J.K. Jr., The Electoral College.
Williams, Robert D., The Economic Life of DeSoto County Mississippi.
Brougher, E.E., The Negro Question.
Bullard, William, Partisan Politics as Opposed to Patriotism.
Kimmons, S.H., A Few Dots on Lightning and Its Effects.
Shands, H.A., The Grecian Drama.
Holmes, F.C., The Economic Life of DeSoto County Mississippi.
Provine, John William(?), Is Evolution a Natural Law?
Saunders, P.H., Epic Poetry.
Mabry, T.O., Socialism in America.
Kyle, J.M., Lightning.
Stone, E.D., Education in Mississippi.
Howry, Lucien B., Enthusiasm.
Class of 1891
Neill, S.D., The Farmers Decline.
Logan, J.S., The Death Penalty.
Johnson, John C., Speech in Defense of Capital Punishment.
Vineyard, John B., The Practical Value of Astronomy.
Scott, Wirt A., The Golden Age of English Literature.
Mounger, E.L., The Press of To-day.
Webb, J.B., Freedom of Speech and of the Press.
Martin, E.G., The Gilded Age.
Stone, Alfred H., The Court of Chancery.
Moody, L.B., Usury Laws.
McEachern, Daniel, An Economic Treatise on Carroll County Mississippi.
Pope, James Ellen, Romance in American Life.
Glover, James Alcorn, Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished?
Volume 2.2 Graduating Theses, 1892.
Class of 1892
Jones, P.Z., The Charter of a Corporation.
Woolfolk, C.T., [missing title and first page of thesis].
Terrell, Walter S., Man’s Government.
Carter, W.H., The Election of Senators.
Rivers, B.D., Man Proving Himself a Master.
Bell, Percy, Modern Rome Under an Ancient Nero.
Priestly, Will T., The Economic Life of Madison County.
Scott, T.P., The Agitation and Repeal of the English Corn Laws.
Strong, Charles, Coal in Mississippi.
Fulton, Weston Miller, Would a National Bankrupt Law Be Beneficial to the Country?
Moore, Geo. P., The Need of a Uniform Marriage and Divorce Law.
Gardner, S.C., Woman’s Suffrage in Mississippi, Should We Have It?
Archer, W.H., How a State Should Control Her Corporations.
Nelson, W.F., A Sale of Goods and Chattels, Where and How Made.
Travis, S.E., A Few Words in Defense of the Legal Profession.
Brewer, E., The Origin, Growth and Power of the Press.
Deavours, Stone, The Citizen.
Amis, A. Bobbitt, The Doctrine of Res Gestae.
Holmes, F.C., National Bankrupt Law.
Wilson, J.C., Constitutional Protection.
Drake, J.Walton, A Constitutional View of the Protective Tariff.
Ames, C.B., Republican Government.
Box 3: Graduating Theses 1893-1897.
Volume 3.1 Graduating Theses 1893.
Class of 1893
Skipwith, Frank P., Self Reliance.
Scott, A.Y., Westward the Tide of Empire Takes Its Way.
Smith, S. M., Would the Government Ownership of the Telegraph Benefit the People.
Taylor, Jos. Rogers, Capital Punishment.
Boothe, Estelle, Modern Progress.
Durham, J.F., Pertaining to Levers Fact, Pathos, Adventure.
Jackson, S.A., Corporations-Benefits and Evils.
Allen, Walter C., The Law.
Boothe, Lillian, Some Weak Points in the French Drama.
Strawn, A.F., Government Ownership of the Telegraph.
Borroum, T., Recent Developments in Electricity.
Ramsey, J.A., The Spoils System.
Sivley, Clarence Lee, To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
Pevey, W.H., The Great Canal of the World: Advantages Which the Prompt Construction of the Nicaragua Canal Will Bring to the United States, and especially to the Southern Central States.
Walker, Samuel Powell, Advantages which the Prompt Completion of the Nicaragua Canal Will Bring to the United States, and especially to the Southern Central United States.
George, Joseph W., Law of Newspaper Libel.
Webb, Charles Fenner, On the Origin and Development of Economic Sciences.
Barry, Jesse R., Jr., Education as a Prevention of Crime.
Jones, Garland M., Lookout for Breakers!
Brown, G.M., The Jew in the Drama.
Volume 3.2 Graduating Theses 1894.
Class of 1894
[no author], Is the Income Tax Just?
Hunter, E.W., Compulsory Education.
Foxworth, Walter L., Metalliferous – Veins.(Veiux in the Index)
Nugent, William L., Jr., Has the Senate Declined?
Booth, R.V., Jr., The Beautiful as an Object of Scientific Investigation.
Buie, Jos., Life.
Roudebush, A.H., Our Recent Growth of Paternalism.
Turner, S.E., The Civil War Detrimental to the South.
Southworth, F.M., United States Senators to be Elected By a Direct Vote of the People.
Akin, Seddon, Our Erroneous System of Common School Education.
Gilmer, J.S., The Justness of an Income Tax.
Lowry, Daniel L. (David in University of Mississippi Catalogue), What is to be the Destiny of this Republic?
Brady, Thomas, Objections to an Income Tax.
Jones, Dudley W., Jr., Liberal Education in Practical Life.
Collier, James William, Some Reasons Why the Jury System Should be Abolished.
Drane, Walter Hugh, Benevolence.
Satterfield, Milling M., Farewell of an Old Student.
Johnson, E.L., The Destiny of the English Language.
Gwin, S.L., Thackeray’s Pendennis (Pudennis in Table of Contents).
Folder 3.1 Senior Theses 1895
Class of 1895
Contents sheet (some titles are correct, some are class of 1896).
Flood, Harry S., The Emancipation of Woman. (title page only).
Alderman, J.E., Should Divorce Be Abolished.
Denton, M.E., Should the President have Veto Power.
Kent, Jeff, Desire for Reputation.
Folder 3.2 Senior Theses 1896
Class of 1896
Contents Sheet (some titles in the folder, do not appear on the list).
Rutland, W.H., Synthesis of Character.
Kimbrough, D.M., The Suffrage Question (New Student 1895, Graduate 1896).
Barbour, J.F., The Legal Profession.
Barrett, T.H., Thesis on Attorneys.
Bolen, James Watsou, Parties to a Suit in Equity.
Cassedy, J.W., Judges Should be Appointed.
Chapman, W.R., The Importance of Raising the Standard for Admission to the Bar.
Clifton, W.L., Ideals, The Working Principle of the Educational Artist.
Cowan, J. Kuhl, Success.
Engle, Charles Francis, An Eulogy on the Importance of the Doctrine of Public Policy.
Ireys, Junius T., Art Education.
Kimbrough, Duke M., Is Our Country Degenerating?
Leake, Memory E., The Independence of the Judiciary.
McIntyre, A.J., Professional Ethics.
Morris, J.L., Jury Systems.
Perkins, H.J., The Province of the Jury in Criminal Cases.
Lyell, Gordon Garland, The Doctrine of Instruction of Representatives.
Williams, W., Botanical Cells and Cell Contents.
Wilson, Hardy Jasper, The Representative’s Opinion Versus the Will of the Constituent Body.
Shands, A.W., The Law of Eminent Domain in Mississippi.
Folder 3.3 Senior Theses 1897.
Class of 1897
Contents Sheet (Some names and titles have differences, the ones shown below correspond with the Historical Catologue)
Lamb, Lomax B., Some Defects in Our Present Methods of Legal Education.
Morrow, Maud, Salutatory for the Class of Ninety-seven.
Pate, Walter T., Popular Election of the Judges of Mississippi.
Sanders, J.O.S., Do Laws Prohibiting the Sale of Intoxicating Drinks Result in Ultimate Good?
Smylie, J.A., Should Our Judiciary Be Elected By the People?
Stevens, H. Stuart, Education and Organization in Municipal Reform.
Stewart, William Parkman, Taxation.
Tipton, J.R., The Continuity of American Institutions.
Utterback, W.E., A Plea for Oratory.
Williams, E.B., The Milsaps [sic] College Bill.
McLean, Geo. D., The Age and Mode of Deposition of the Lafayette and Columbian at this Place.
Box 4: Graduating Theses 1898-1902
Folder 4.1 Senior Theses 1898
Class of 1898
Contents sheet (some names and titles have spelling differences, the ones shown below correspond with the Historical Catalogue).
Amis, A.W., The Economic Life of Newton County.
Brame, L., Jr., Law as a Profession.
Brooks, H.H., Jr., The Citizen’s Duty.
Campbell, Eugene, The Atomic Theory-The Great Landmark in Chemical Science.
Dear, Hardy Clay, Eminent Domain.
Falkner, James W., Eminent Domain in Mississippi.
Knox, S.R., Assignments in Mississippi.
Millsaps, J.G., The Law of Eminent Domain in Mississippi.
Mitchell, G.B., Chattel Mortgage (does not graduate)
Pepper, F.H., Our Heritage.
Porter, L. McG., The Economic Effect of Labor Saving Machinery Upon the Interests of the Laboring Class and Upon Society as a Whole.
Ray, G.L., The Debt of Sovereignty. (Also a member of the 1900 Law Class.)
Shands, A.W., The Two Great Dangers to Our Commonweal.
Shelton, Thomas M., Taxation.
Thompson, J.H., The License of Speech of Counsel.
Wallace, J.T., Mono-Carboxylic-Acids, With Special Reference to Benzoic Acid. (also class of 1902).
West, Fred M., The Trend of Corporations.
Wilroy, N.E., Some Phases of American Politics.
Mahon, Hugh, Mortgage and Equity of Redemption.
Russell, Lee V., A Plea in Behalf of the Law and the Legal Fraternity.
Folder 4.2 Senior Theses 1899
Class of 1899
Contents sheet
Arnold, J.M., Should the Jury System Be Abolished.
Bowen, B. Curry, The Mission of Equity.
Calhoun, E.L., The Judicial Tenure in Mississippi.
Cox, W.A., Law and Lawlessness.
Emerson, J.E., The Necessity and Value of the Law of Eminent Domain in a Republican Government.
Feld, N.B., The American Lawyer.
Godbold, W.L., The Relation of the Lawyer to the State.
Brown, Hugh R., The Anti-Commercial Statute of Mississippi.
Henington, L.L., Supremacy of Law.
Holmes, J. Elmore, The Franchise Clause of the Mississippi Constitution.
Shaw, O.A., Arguments in Defense of the Veto Power.
Spight, Henry R., An Elective Judiciary.
Thomas, J. Murphy, Professional Ethics from a Lawyers Standpoint.
Weatherby, Walter, The Anti-Commercial Statute of Mississippi.
Folder 4.3 Senior Theses 1900
Class of 1900
Contents sheet.
Mabry, Edwin Lewis, The Economic Benefits Which Would Accrue to the United States from the Construction of the Nicaragua Canal.
Langdon, S.L., Jr., The Economic Advantages that would Accrue to the United States Upon the Construction of the Nicaraugua[sic] Canal.
Sloan, P.E., Benefits that would accrue to the United States through the Building of the Nicaraguan Canal.
McDowell, Jas R., Capital Punishment: Should it be Abolished?
McMorrough, G.H., Our Constitutional Right to Govern the Philippines.
Segrest, R.A., The Cell and its Relation to the Organism.
Taylor, L.A., The Nicaragua Canal.
Folder 4.4 Senior Theses 1901
Class of 1901
Contents sheet (some names and titles have spelling differences, the ones shown below correspond with the Historical Catalogue).
Shands, H.R., The Nicaragua Canal.
Butler, G.H., Property and Due Process of Law.
Farish, W.S., Should We Elect Our Judges.
Freeman, C.R., The Voter’s Educational Qualification in the Constitution of Mississippi.
Fulton, Harry R., The economic benefits that would accrue to the United States from the construction of the Nicaragua Canal.
Fulton, Marice G., The Peril of the Coming Century.
Morrison, J.K., The Victories of Peace.
McCabe, E.J., Subrogation.
Rencher (Renchis on contents sheet/title page), G.J., Trial By Jury.
Russell, L.M., Should the United States Senators Be Elected By Direct Vote of the People?
Sultan, Robert Herman, Geological Formations of Lafayette County Mississippi.
Tubb, Chas. L., An Oath. Its Sanctity and Administration.
Folder 4.5 Senior Theses 1902
Class of 1902
O’Briant, J.M., Powers of Private Corporations. (title page only)
Balthrop, E.S., A Representative Should not be Bound by the Instructions of His Constituents.
Beckett, B.B., The Passing of Poetry.
Bramlett, E.S., A Representative Should not be Bound by the Instructions of His Constituents.
Bray, W.E., The Power of Purpose.
Brothers, Charles H., The Distribution of Governmental Powers.
Curlee, Frank M., Industrial Consolidation.
Furr, J.D., Horizontal Intensity of the Earth’s Magnetism. Gilbert, V.W., Legal Biography.
McCorkle, Sam W., Description and Results of a Twelve Hour Test Made on the Engine and Generator in the Power Station at University of Mississippi.
Jones, Ackland H., The Understanding Clause in the Provision of the Mississippi Constitution Touching the Elective Franchise.
Mitchell, Guy H., Has a Certificate of Stock in a Private Corporation any Features of Negotiability? And What are the Rights of a Bona Fide Holder?
Pinson, J.C., Homicide.
Robertson, V. Otis, Should a Representative be Bound by the Instructions of His Constituents?
Shands, Cecil, The First State Constitutionas. (Also a member of the 1904 Law Class.)
Stevents, W.A., Should a Representative be Bound by the Instructions of His Constituents?
Sultan, R.H., The Cell.
Taylor, E.W., Mode of Electing U.S. Senators.
Wall, Hugh V., Trial By Jury.
Box 5: Graduating Theses 1903-1907
Folder 5.1 Senior Theses 1903
Class of 1903
Neill, Shirley Sue, Virgil’s Dido as Compared with Ovid’s.(title page only)
Dean, Guy D., Reputed Ownership.
Arledge, A.E., The Connection of Law and its Science to Mortality.
Brown, M.D., In Civil Causes, Why Not a Majority Verdict of the Jury Control?
Crisman, W.O., The Mystery of Life.
Dent, E.L., Private Corporations in Mississippi. (not in catalogue)
Dorris, O.B., Discussion of Section 4234 Code of I892.
Dougherty, William Byrne, The Cell.
Ervin, C.V., Determination of the Horizontal Component of the Earth’s Magnetism. (2 copies).
Graham, A.S., Discussion of Section 4234 Code 1892.
Folder 5.2 Senior Theses 1903
Class of 1903
Harris, J.L., Advantage of Trial By Jury.
Hudson, Charles H., Trial By Jury.
Jacobson, Gabe, Discuss Section 1300 Code of 1880 Re-enacted as Section 4234 of the Code of 1892, Giving the Present Meaning of Said Statute as expounded by our Supreme Court, Showing What Interpretations, if any, have been Doubted, Criticized or Denied.
Logan, R.F.B., Real Property.
Myers, George B., Necessity for a National Divorce Law.
Phillips, Charles W., Profit Sharing.
Powell, Robert Hamilton, The Sublimity of a Great Conviction.
Russell, Lee M., Should the United States Senators be Elected by a Direct Vote of the People.
Sawyer, E.A., The Reputed Ownership Law.
Standifer, John N., Trial By Jury. (Listed in catalogue as a member of the class of 1898).
Tucker, B.A., Jr., The College Man as a Factor in the Progress of the Age.
White, Thomas William, Should the Representation of Mississippi in the Congress of the United States be Reduced on Account of the Franchise Provision of the State Constitution of 1890?
Wilkinson, Oscar, Astigmatism. Formation of Images in, and Correction by Cylindrical Lenses.
Folder 5.3 Senior Theses 1904
Class of 1904
Burns, Sallie Falkner, Ennius as a Soldier, Statesman, and Poet.
Ames, C.F., The Geology of Lafayette County.
Bethune, W.A., Powers and Liabilities of a Private Corporation.
Brown, Walter F., Should Mississippi Adopt What is Known as the Code System of Pleading, Under Which the Distinctions Between Actions at Law and Suits in Equity are abolished.
Collier, S.J., American Judiciary.
Fulton, W.L., Is the Recognition of the Republic of Panama by the Government of the United States Justifiable?
Grace, M.B., Need of Uniformity of Laws Regulating the Transfer of Negotiable Power. (listed in catalogue in the Class of 1905)
Johnson, George Mallery, Independent Contractors and the Liability for their Negligence. —Dangerous Premises. (listed in catalogue as new student in 1904).
Lacey, Rufus B., Reasonable Doubt.
Leavell, James B., Profit Sharing.
McCorkle, Mary Wirt, Educational Law in the Natural World.
Murphy, D.J., Technical Profession vs. Popular Opinion.
Ott, C.E., Should Mississippi Adopt What is Known as the Code of System of Pleading Under Which the Distinctions Between Actions at Law and Suits in Equity are Abolished.
Price, Ben Jr., Design of 60 H.P. Return Tubular Boiler.
Quin, Hillrie M., Insurance- Its Importance.
Riely, M.W., The Spirit of Democracy.
Wright, E.C., The New Republic of Panama.
Folder 5.4 Senior Theses 1905
Class of 1905
Rea, Mary L., Senior Thesis. (title page only)
Allen, D.J., Jr., The Advantages, Disadvantages and Abuses of Trial by Jury, as the System Exists in Mississippi.
Bowman, W.C., Resolved- “That the Clause in the Constitution Known as the Statute of Mortmain Should be Abrogated.”
Butler, C.T., Wordsworth’s Lack of Humor and of Sense of the Incongruous.
Clayton, Claude, The Inalienable Rights of a Person Charged with Murder.
Fanning, J.E., The Relations of Civil Engineering to Other Branches of Science.
Howie, Virgil R., Senior Thesis.
McLaurin, A.J., Jr., The Right of Appeal in America.
Ridgway, C.R., Jr., The Political Responsibility of the Citizen.
Folder 5.5 Senior Theses 1906
Class of 1906
Guy, Pearl L., Shakespeare’s Treatment of His Clowns and Fools. (title page only.) (Listed as a member of the class of 1905-1906 and 1907-1908)
Guy, Pearl L., Victor Hugo. (title page only) (Listed as a member of the class of 1905-1906 and 1907-1908).
Covington, H. Rimmer, Electro-Chemical Industry.
Durley, B.H., The Germ Theory of Disease.
Gordon, C.T., The Lawyers Duty to Client.
Jacobs, David A., Damages for Mental Suffering Unaccompanied by Physical Injury.
Johnson, J.E., Design of a Dam Across Valley Show on Attached Plan.
Kimbrough, O.L., The Death Penalty.
Kirby, Carl D., Specifications for Electric Lighting Plant.
McWillie, James, Habeas Corpus.
Nichols, Irby Coghill, RESOLVED; That the Primary Election Laws of Mississippi are More Conducive to the Best Interests of the State.
Slough, Caulder Evans, The Right of Trial By Jury.
Sykes, Tom M., Heredity, and Heredity Diseases.
Webster, Edgar, Duty and Its Reward.
Folder 5.6 Senior Theses 1907
Class of 1907
McCorkle, J.E. and W.I. Hargis, Jr., Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams.
Bailey, R.C., A Discussion of Cements in General with a Short Report on the Cement Deposits in Mississippi.
Beanland, G.C., Human Embryology.
Bobo, Walter Sidney, Report on Concrete in Batesville Yarn and Cordage Buildings and Gravel Vicinity of Batesville, Mississippi.
Chase, James Phipps, Opportunities Afforded by Memphis, Tennessee to Industries Having Chemistry as a Basis; and a Plea for Further Development.
Harper, R.B., Investigation of Red Oxide of Iron as a Basal Pigment of Paints.
Hicks, H.A., Should Insurance Be Under Federal Control?
Holmes, James Garrott, Child Labor, its Evils, and the Wisdom of its Immediate Limitations in Mississippi.
Hudson, Anna, Ground Water Considered with Special Reference to Artesian Wells.
Lacey, Mathilde Parkman, Coeducation.
McCabe, H.C., Jr., The Substituted Trustee in Mississippi.
Morris, Rupert C., The Training of Teachers in Mississippi
Newman, J.A., The Cell in Development and Inheritance.
Folder 5.7 Senior Theses 1907
Class of 1907
Pannell, J.M., Reform of Our Banking Laws.
Parker, J.E., Should the Grand Jury System Be Abolished?
Rawls, H.C., (spelled Rawles in Historical Catalogue) Legal Ethics.
Rawls, F.E., (not listed in Historical Catalogue) Duties and Rights of the Individual.
Roach, J.B., Jr., Thesis.
Scott, W.L., The Elective Judiciary.
Webb, John Boyd, The Novels of Charles Brockden Brown.
Wettlin, D.G., Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished.
Wood, William Lewis, Should Mississippi Have an Elective Judiciary
Box 6: Graduating Theses 1908-1910
Folder 6.1 Senior Theses 1908
Class of 1908
Bramlette, David Clay, Jr., Moliere’s Conception of the Relation of Husband and Wife.
Austin, O.V., White Lead as a Paint Pigment.
Beall, B.S., Jr., Land Formations of Illinois Central Railroad Cut.
Calhoun, James Edmund, A Comparative Study of the Gross Features of the Eye.
Haney, Josiah Rowan, Jr., Enzymes.
Hightower, Charles Counce, Cerebral Localization.
Johnson, H.G., Comparative Study of the Muscles of Trunk and Neck of the Human and Cat.
Kimmons, Lynette, Color in Nature.
Knox, I.C., The Higher Microscopic Pond Life of the University and Vicinity.
Lauderdale, D.C., The Doctrine of Perpetuities.
Lauderdale, W.A., The Policy of the United States with Respect to Chinese Immigration Should be Continued.
Lindsey, Earle, Studies in Dynamic Geology in and about Cook Inlet, Alaska.
Folder 6.2 Senior Theses 1908
Class of 1908
McCullar, T.P., The Evils of our Present Divorce System.
Middleton, Pearl M., Morphology of Pteris.
Miller, D.C., The Design of an Electric Lighting System.
Neill, Virgie Louise (Vergie: spelled in Historical Catalogue), The Orator.
Neill, Virgie Louise (Vergie: spelled in Historical Catalogue), The Particle. Some Uses.
Niles, J.A., The Effect of Premature Employment of Children.
Nichols, J.L., Chemistry of Digestion.
Trotter, W.C., The Recall of Judges.
Watkins, J.P., Comparative Study of the Muscles of the Lower Extremity of Man and Cat.
Tribble, R.A., The Abolition of Capital Punishment.
Folder 6.3 Senior Theses 1909
Class of 1909
Ayres, Richradson, A Test of Columns. (not listed in Historical Catalogue for the Class of 1909.)
Bratton, T.S., The Preparation of the High School Teacher.
Brooke, Akin, The Ethics of the Law.
Broom, Mary, Training of Primary Teachers.
Conner, C.E., The Reprocity Bill as it Passed the House of Representatives.
Dorroh, C.E., Representative Government Versus the Initiative.
Dorsey, H.C., The Nerves Tracts of the Brain and Spinal Cord.
Duncan, Issac Greenwood, Being a Report upon Fifteen Specimens of Pathological Tissues Which Were Assigned for This Work.
Fuller, W.L., Schiller as a Lyric Poet. (title page only; First Year Student).
Gillis, J.K., The Elevating Influences of the Law. (Name not listed in Historical Catalogue for Class of 1909).
Grantham, Ora F., Psychology of Advertising.
Graves, William Russell, The Cause of the Rythmical Beat of the Heart.
Holland, Herman, Immigration Should be Further Restricted.
Liddell, S.H., Enzymes.
Folder 6.4 Senior Theses 1909
Class of 1909
McCorkle, Howard Crawford, Boilers and Steam Engines.
Neely, Charles Lee, The Law’s Delays.
Newsom, T.C., The Formation and Composition of Lymph. Question of the Edema.
Renshaw, J.W., A National Income Tax.
Roberds, W.G., Purchaser’s Liability on Assumption of Mortgage Where Grantor is not Personally Liable.
Robertson, G.H., Effect of Athletics Upon the Character. (Name not listed in Historical Catalogue for Class of 1909).
Rubel, F.R., A Study on the Behavior of Land (Sowbugs) Isopods.
Rucker, R.B., Prophylaxsis of Typhoid Fever and Its Economic Value Upon a Commonwealth.
Russell, Albert Edgar, Resolved, That Immigration Should Be Further Restricted By Law.
Smith, Faison, The Primary Election Law. (2 Copies).
Stockstill, J.E., The Jury System and Some of Its Defects. (Name listed as a New Student in the Class of 1908).
Wooten, William Arthur, National Banks Should Be Permitted To Issue Notes on Their General Assetts.
Folder 6.5 Senior Theses 1910
Class of 1910
Arnold, H.L., Some Facts Pertaining to Histological Technic Using the Trachea and Lung.
Carothers, Andrew Meek, An Elective Judiciary.
Conger, J.W., Liability of Municipal Corporations for the Tortious Acts of Licensees.
Falkner, John W.T., Jr., The Present Relationship of Equity To The Law.
Furr, W.C., The United States Pharmacopoeia.
Guyton, B.S., Some Facts Pertaining to Histological Technic Using the Stomach and Small Intestine.
Kendel, Alpha, The Special School Funds of Mississippi.
McClatchy, G.G., The Sextant and Its Use in Astronomical Work.
West, R.J., Can a Court of Chancery Bind Remaindermen By a Decree of Partition in Mississippi?
Box 7: Graduating Theses 1911-1937
Folder 7.1 Senior Theses 1911
Class of 1911
Bramlett, William P., On the Hookworm Disease.
Crawley, Doris (?) E., Direct Legislation.
Furr, J.E., My Investigation of the Hookworm Among the People of Lafayette County.
Hardy, J.A., The Elective Judiciary.
Harris, Wiley P., Due Process of Law.
Heintz, F.J., Legislative and Judicial Limitations of Freedom of Contract.
Monaghan, Norman, Insanity As a Defense In Criminal Cases.
Rucker, J.D., The Primary Cell.
Simmons, Joe A., The Elective Judiciary.
Smith, J., (Name handwritten), Sociology In Popular Education.
Temple, W.A., Doctrine of Imputation to Infants.
Haralson, Lois, Algae — Discussion Based Upon Species Found in the Vicinity of the University of Mississippi, January and February 1911.
Folder 7.2 Senior Theses 1912
Class of 1912
Bell, Ben M., History of the Development of the Laurentian System of Lakes.
Blackwell, M.G., Jr., Should The Common Law and Equity Jurisprudence Be Blended In Mississippi.
Bridges, J.G., Consolidation of Rural Schools. A Practical Problem in Mississippi.
Brodgforth, Allen, The Origin of Vertebrates. Annelids.
Buckley, J. Emmett, Why Congress Should Place No Tariff On Sugar. (2 Copies.)
Caldwell, Guy A., Blood Transfusion.
Folder 7.3 Senior Theses 1912
Class of 1912
Harrison, F.E., Hookworm Disease. Diagnosis—Prophylaxis.
Jones, J.I., A Comparative Study of Corroded Lead and Zinc White As Paint Materials.
Jordan, R.A., The Origin and Growth of the Judiciary.
Leavell, Clarence Stanley, Professional Ethics.
Pool, W. Carl, Prophylaxis of Typhoid Fever.
Slay, R.J., The Federal Graduated Income Tax.
Folder 7.4 Senior Theses 1913
Class of 1913
Batson, T.T., The Treatment of Hookworm Disease.
Edwards, T.E., A Proposed Bank Bill for Porto Rico.
Haralson, Marion Flint, Antitoxins and Vaccines and Their Use in Serum Therapy.
Kent, C., Prophylaxis of Malaria.
Livingston, E.M., The Sugar Beet.
Folder 7.5 Senior Theses 1913
Class of 1913
Mayo, Thomas Franklin, The Court Fools of Shakespeare. (Title Page only).
McKie, A.B., Methods Used In Diagnosis of Hookworm Disease Including Examination of 100 Specimens.
Mitchell, Charles B., Histological Technique for Study of the Nervous System.
Mize, Sidney C. (handwritten?), An Elective Judiciary With Reference to Mississippi.
Nichols, Raymond L., Restriction of Foreign Immigration.
Oates, Oliver Marvin, The Origin of the Court of Equity.
Rice, Joseph Smith, The Raising of Blooded Beef Cattle in Mississippi.
Loch, Jno. W., Insanity As a Defense In Criminal Prosecutions.
Folder 7.6 Senior Theses 1914
Class of 1914
Backstrom, J.L., The Torrens System of Registration of Land Titles.
Boyett, Reuben Watson, Osmosis.
Burks, J.L, In the Education of Mentally Defective Children.
Churchwell, W.C., Will the Initiative and Referendum Improve Our Statutes?
Ford, Paul E., A Minimum Wage For Women.
Furr, Hallie Mae, A Few Things Concerning Illusions and Hallucinations.
Grissom, B.R., Relation of Mind and Matter — Theories Regarding Same.
Holt, H.O., Insanity as a Defense to the Commission of Crime.
Folder 7.7 Senior Theses 1914
Class of 1914
Jones, T.D., Incidence of Taxation on Real Estate.
Riley, J.P., Contributions of Radium to Geology.
Robinson, William M., Jr., Disposal of Public Domain.
Shelton, A.D., The Federal Income Tax Law.
Tanner, B.M., The Contributions of Radioactivity to Physical and Chemical Theory.
Folder 7.8 Senior Theses 1921, 1934, 1937
Class of 1921
Furr, J.D., The Induction Motor.
Class of 1934
Lowrance, F.E., Mary’s Plan.
Reed, W.C., Two Pies-Mince.
Reed, William Cleveland, Jr., Phosphate Fertilizers.
Class of 1937
McLain, Doris, Sun Spots and Sun Spot Theories.
Volume 7.1 No author, The Ku Klux Klan.
Volume 7.2 No author, Fashions of the 18th Century.
Box 8: Graduating Theses Miscellaneous
Volume 8.1 No author., History of the Cotton Growing Industry.
Volume 8.2 No author., Lynch Law.
Volume 8.3 No author., The Constitutional View of the Race Question.
Folder 8.1 Senior Theses Unidentified.
Inventory sheet.
Thompson, W. Elmer, A Plea For Genuine Democracy
No author, Origin and Development of the Tribunal Power.
No author, The Federal Judiciary and its Relation to the Legislative and Executive Departments.
No author, Tax Titles.
No author, RESOLVED, That our Statutes, commonly known as the Statutes of Mortmain, which have been Incorporated into our Constitution should be Abrogated.
No author, The Religion of Sophocles as Seen in his Seven Extant Plays.
No author, Mind and Matter.
Folder 8.2 Senior Theses Unidentified
No author, The History of Fashion.
No author, The Monroe Doctrine.
No author, A Survey of Secondary Education in Mississippi.
No author, True Education
No author, Effects of Christianity Upon Civilization.
No author, Should United States Senators Be Elected By Popular Vote?
Folder 8.3 Senior Theses Unidentified
Benson, M.C., Reign of the Common Law and Its Results.
Bryan, Is the Initiative and Referendum A Good Govermental Policy?
Carter, Taxation of Franchises.
Cameron, D.D., Will the Commission Plan of Government Prove a Universal Pancea for all the Ills Which Municipal Government is Heir to?
Folder 8.4 Senior Theses Unidentified
Simmons, J.D., Jr., Prophylaxis of Typhoid Fever.
Smith, D.C., Uncinariasis (Hookworm Disease).
(author’s name illegible), RESOLVED: That it should be Prohibited by Law, that any Person Should Devise or Bequeath more than Ten Million Dollars Worth of Property; the Rest at His Death to go to the State.
Watts, R.R., The Importance of the Proper Standards of the Pharmacist.
Wilkinson, H.S., Contracts.
Rosenthal, Jacob Southeiner (?), Sanitary Condition of Oxford and University of Mississippi.
Pound, R.E., Histological Tecnique of Digestive Tract.
Pressley, J.S., The Economic Life of Leahe (?) County.
Rose, James, Imagistic Poetry.
Folder 8.5 Senior Theses Unidentified
Ivy, F.G., The Poetry of Poverty.
Johnston, T.B., Geological Formations of Lafayette County Mississippi.
(author’s name illegible), Alex McK., Vaccination as a Prophylaxis of Typhoid Fever.
Moss, Russell, The Geology of Lafayette County.
Folder 8.6 Senior Theses Unidentified
Farish, Combinations and Trusts
Farland, B., The Economic Benefits That Would Accrue to the United States from the Construction of the Nicarauga Canal.
Heslen, R.H., Mortgages.
Holloway, P.D., Prophylaxis of Malaria.
Homan, F.L., Can an Action for Damages be Maintained for Death Caused by an Act Which Amounts in Law to a Felony?
Folder 8.7 Senior Theses Unidentified
No author, Spectrum Analysis.
McIntyre, W. Edward, The Constitutional View of the Race Question. (title page only).
Reedy, Annie E., Moliere’s Treatment of Woman in His Plays. (title page only).
No author, The Nebula Hypothesis. (title page only).