Finding-Aid for the Marvin Black PR Collection (MUM00523)
J.D. Williams Library
Department of Archives and Special Collections
P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848, USA
Phone: 662.915.7408
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Inventory of Marvin Black P. R. Collection
00-975, K-6
Folder, “Anniversary Stuff,” 1959-1960.
Folder, “Archaeology-Mylonas…,” N/D
Folder, “Art,” 1959
Folder, “Background Stories, Series on ‘Ole Miss Chancellors Through the Years,” 1959
Folder, “Biology,” 1956-1957
Folder, “Background Stories II,” Contains three folders: Church Activities (Two), and Blue Shirt Boys Plannng. Misc. papers in main folder.
Folder, “Background-Southernaire”
Folder, “Business [?],” Industry in Mississippi
Folder, “Blue Shirt Project”
Folder, “Chemistry”
Loose Papers, 17 July 1961
Folder, “Classics Department,” 1955, 1957, 1959
Folder, “English Department,” 1959
Folder, “Faculty Club,” N/D
Folder, “TVA Engineering,” 1956, includes photographs
Folder, “Engineering School,” 1955, 1957, 1958, 1959
Folder, “Education, School of,” 1958, 1960
Folder, “Miss America,” 1960
Folder, “University Scholars,” 1955, 1958
Folder, “Soil Erosion Research,” 1959
Folder, “Sociology and Anthropology,” 1958
Folder, “Student Govbernment,” 1959
Folder, “Sedementation Lab,” 1959
Folder, “R.O.T.C.” 8/4 no year
Folder, “Public Administration,” 1959, 1960
Folder, “Visiting Lectures Public Relations,” 1952, 1953, 1956, 1959
Folder, “Big Business P.R. Directors Questions about case Histories and Lectures,” 1957
Folder, “Regional Education Board,” 1959-1960
Folder, “More SREB [Southern Regional Eduction Board] Publications,” 1959-1960
Booklet, Research and the Future of the South, 1959
Folder, “Journalism Controls [?],” 1959
Folder, “Journalism Guyton Thesis,” 1959
Folder, “Law School and LQC Lamar,” 1954, 1956
Folder, “SREB [Southern Regional Education Board] Publications,” 1960
Newsletter, Regional Action, October 1959
Booklet, University Research: What It Means to the South, Southern Regional Eduction Board, October 1959
Speech, Dr. Robert C. Anderson to the American College Public Relations Association, 2 November 1959
Folder, “SREB [Southern Regional Education Board] Suggestions in Atlanta,” 1959
Folder, “Southern Regional Education Background,” Atlanta, Georga meeting, 28-29 September 1959
Folder, “Liberal Arts”
Folder, Mathematics,” June 1959
Folder, “ACPRA [American College Public Relations Association] Summary Public Relations Directors,” 1948, 1950
Folder, “Association of State Universities,” 1958
Folder, “ACPRA [American College Public Relations Association] ?” 1957-1958
Folder, “ACPRA [American College Public Realtions Association]
Newsletter 1956,” contents dated 1960
Folder, “ACPRA [American College Public Relations Association] IX P.R. Comcepts,” Letters, 1960 speech “Some Thuoghts on the Public Relations Concept” by Dr. Black
Folder, “ACPRA [American College Public Relations Association] Membership I,” Correspondance 1959, 1960
Folder, “ACPRA Membership II,” Correspondance and Program 1960
Folder, “ACPRA Development Questions,” correspondance, 1958
Folder, “P.R. Facets at Ole MIss,” 1954, 1958
Folder, “ACPRA Research Reports Special Projects,” 1956
Folder, “AACTE Charts For Public Relatons-Correspondance,” 1953, 1954
Folder, “Journalism,” 1956, 1958, 1959, 1960
Folder, “Public Administration,” 1959, 1960
Folder, “ACPRA University Development,” correspondance, article, 1950, 1953, 1954
Folder, “Psychology,” 1958
Folder, “Physics,” 1960
Folder, “Political Science,” 1959
Folder, “Pharmacy Features,” 1955-1958
Folder, “Music,” August 1957
Folder, “Mississippi Magic,” 1957
Folder, “Mississippi Room Anneversary,” 1958
Folder, “Misssissippi Room [?]” 1956, 1959
Folder, “Home Economics,” 1958
Folder, “Extension Department,” Ole Miss band overseas
Folder, “Geology,” 1959
Folder, “Graduate School,” 1958, 1959
Folder, “Universty Extension Folder on Services,” 1956
Folder, “History (1959),” 1959
Folder, “Commerce an dPUblic Administration,” 1958
Folder, “Corporations and Institutions,” 1959
Folder, “Counseling, Pre-College Program,” 1956
Folder, “SREB [Southern Regional Education Board] Research,” newspapers 1959, 1960