Finding-Aid for the Sheet Music (Miscellaneous) Collection (MUM00409)
J.D. Williams Library
Department of Archives and Special Collections
P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848, USA
Phone: 662.915.7408
Fax: 662.915.5734
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Title: ’63 is the Jubilee
Item #:
Librettist: J.L. Greene
Composer: D.A. French
Publisher: Root & Cady
Publisher city/state: Chicago, IL
Date: 1863
Title: Alabama Lullaby
Item #: Not catalogued
Librettist: Cal De Voll
Composer: Cal De Voll
Publisher: Leo. Feist, Inc.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1919
Cover: top reads “A Unique Dreamy Southern Song”
Title: Away Out On The Mountain
Item #: M 1630.18 .H28 .A9 1928
Librettist: Kely Harrell
Composer: Kely Harrell
Publisher: United Publishing Company
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1928
Cover: Jimmie Rodgers
Title: The Band Played “Nearer My God to Thee” As the Ship Went Down
Item #:
Librettist: Mark Beam
Composer: Harold Jones
Publisher: Joe Morris Music Company
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1912
Title: Birmingham Jail
Item #: Not catalogued
Arranged by: Nick Manoloff
Publisher: Calumet Music Company
Publisher city/state: Chicago, IL
Date: 1935
Cover: Dick Teela and Gwyneth Neil
Title: Blue Beat Boogie
Item #: Not catalogued
Composer: Arthur Smith
Publisher: Shapiro, Bernstein, & Company, Inc.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1947
Cover: Arthur Smith
Title: Blueberry Hill
Item #: Not catalogued
Librettist: Al Lewis, Larry Stock, and Vincent Rose
Composer: Al Lewis, Larry Stock, and Vincent Rose
Publisher: Chappell & Co. Inc.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: No date
Cover: woman and man w/ crescent moon
Title: Calhoun Polka
Item #: Not catalogued
Composer: Wm. G. Dietrich
Publisher: William H. Shuster
Publisher city/state: Philadelphia, PA
Date: 1857
Title: Casey Jones (The Brave Engineer)
Item #: M 1622 .N4 C3
Librettist: T. Lawrence Seibert
Composer: Eddie Newton
Publisher: Southern California Music Co.
Publisher city/state: Los Angeles, CA
Date: 1909
Title: Casey Jones (The Brave Engineer)
Item #: M 1622 .N4 C3 1937
Librettist: T. Lawrence Seibert
Composer: Eddie Newton
Publisher: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co., Inc.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1909/1936/1937
Cover: Souvenir Edition, cover of 1st edition, 1909
Title: Dixie
Item #: Not catalogued
Composer: Frederic Lorin
Publisher: McKinley Music Company
Publisher city/state: Chicago, IL and New York, NY
Date: 1904
Title: Dixie’s Land
Item #: Not catalogued
Composer: Ch. Grobe
Publisher: Firth, Pond & Co.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1860
Title: General Quitman’s Grand March
Item #: Not catalogued
Composer: Edward O. Eaton
Publisher: Beck & Lawton
Publisher city/state: Philadelphia, PA
Cover: portrait of General John A. Quitman of Mississippi
Title: General Scott’s Grand Entree Quick Step
Accession #: 2006-7
Composer: H.B. Underhill
Publisher: Firth, Pond & Co.
Publisher city/state: New York
Date: 1847
Title: General Taylor’s Grand March
Accession #: 2006-7
Composer: A. Kurs
Publisher: Firth Pond & Co.
Publisher city/state: New York
Date: 1846
Title: Go, Mis-sis-sip-pi
Item #: M 1658 .M7 D3 1962
Librettist: Houston Davis
Composer: Houston Davis
Publisher: Jackson, MS Board of Realtors
Publisher city/state: Jackson, MS
Date: 1962
Title: Heavyweights for Three Tubas
Item #: M 97 .S84 H4
Composer: Frank G. Stewart
Publisher: Seesaw Music Corporation
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1974
Title: He’s A Rag Picker
Item #:
Librettist: Irving Berlin
Composer: Irving Berlin
Publisher: Waterson Berlin & Snyder Co.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1914
Cover: illustrated by Joan Frew
Title: Hound Dog
Item #: M 1630.2 .L45 .H6 1956
Librettist: Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller
Composer: Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller
Publisher: Elvis Presley Music, Inc. and Lion Publishing Company, Inc.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1956
Title: How Little We Know (From Warner Bros. Picture “To Have and Have Not”
Item #: M 1630.2 .C37 T6 1944
Librettist: Johnny Mercer
Composer: Hoagy Carmichael
Publisher: M. Witmark & Sons
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1944
Cover: Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall
Title: I Can’t Forget
Item #: Not Catalogued
Librettist: Carl Wells
Composer: Carl Wells
Arranged by: Clarke Tate
Publisher: The Tate-International Co.
Publisher city/state: Memphis, TN
Cover: photo of Carl Wells?
Title: If You Please (From Paramount Picture “Dixie”)
Item #: Not catalogued
Librettist: Johnny Burke
Composer: Jimmy Van Heusen
Publisher: Famous Music Corporation
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1943
Cover: Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour
Title: I’m Going Back to Mississippi
Item # M 1658 .M6 .R87 1918
Librettist: Jack H. Russell
Composer: Jack H. Russell
Publisher: S.K. Turek
Publisher city/state: Chicago, IL
Date: 1918
Title: I Miss That Mississippi Miss That Misses Me
Item #:
Librettist: Joe Young and Sam M. Lewis
Composer: Pete Wendling
Publisher: Waterson-Berlin & Snyder Co.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1918
Title: I Want To Be In Dixie
Item #:
Librettist: Berlin & Snyder
Composer: Berlin & Snyder
Publisher: Ted Snyder Co./Waterson Berlin & Snyder Co.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1912
Cover: picture of W.E. Browning
Title: I Wish I Was In Dixie
Item #:
Composer: Ch. Grobe
Publisher: Eclipse Publishing Co.
Publisher city/state: Philadelphia, PA
Title: I Wish I Was In Dixie’s Land
Item #:
Composer: Dan. D. Emmett
Arranged by: W.L. Hobbs
Publisher: Firth, Pond & Co.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Title: Jordan Is A Hard Road To Travel
Item #: Not catalogued
Composer: Old Dan Emmet
Publisher: Oliver Ditson
Publisher city/state: Boston, MA
Date: 1853
Title: Lancers Quick Step
Item #:
Composer: F.L. Raymond
Publisher: Keith’s Music Publishing House
Publisher city/state: Boston, MA
Title: Little Eva: Uncle Tom’s Guardian Angel
Item #: Not catalogued
Librettist: John G. Whittier
Composer: Manuel Emilio
Publisher: John P. Sewett & Company
Publisher city/state: Cleveland, OH
Date: 1852
Cover: Little Eva and Uncle Tom in the Arbor
Title: Lost, or Saved?
Item #: Not catalogued
Librettist: J.C. Macy
Composer: J.C. Macy
Publisher: Whittemore & Stephens
Publisher city/state:
Date: 1873
Title: Lucilla, The Maid of Shiloh!
Item #: M 1638 .B4 .L8 1864
Librettist: C.D. Benson
Composer: C.D. Benson
Publisher: C.D. Benson
Publisher city/state: Nashville, TN
Date: 1864
Title: Magnolia (Souvenir de Macon, Deux Valses par Estelle De Lisle)
Item #: M 32 .D4 M3
Composer: Estelle De Lisle
Publisher: Beck & Lawton
Publisher city/state: Philadelphia, PA
Date: 1859
Cover: antebellum plantation home
Title: Mary Ann McCue
Item #:
Librettist: Jay Mack
Composer: Jay Mack
Publisher: Chas. K. Harris
Publisher city/state: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Date: 1898
Cover: bottom: “Sung with Great Success by Lizzie B. Raymond”
Title: Metamorph (for Bassoon and Piano)
Item #: M 254 .S84 M4
Composer: Frank G. Stewart
Publisher: Seesaw Music Corporation
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1974
Title: M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I
Item #: Not catalogued
Librettist: Bert Hanlon and Benny Ryan
Composer: Harry Tierney
Publisher: William Jerome Publishing Corporation
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1916
Cover: Top reads “Frances White’s Spelling Song”
Title: Mississippi
Item #: M 1658 .M7 A5
Librettist: Mrs. (Eron O.) Dunbar Rowland
Composer: Walter H. Aiken
Publisher city/state:
Title: The Mississippi Flood Song
Item #: M 1630.2 .W4 .M5
Librettist: Jed Hopkins
Composer: Sarah A. Westcott
Publisher: Ager. Yellen & Bornstein Inc.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1927
Title: A Mississippi Folic
Item #: M 31 S7 M5
Composer: Eugene A. Stein
Publisher: Stein & Moll
Publisher city/state: Peoria, IL
Date: 1899
Title: Mississippi Legionnaires
Item #: M 1676 A5 L49 1933
Librettist: Frances Eagle Levine
Composer: Frances Eagle Levine
Publisher: Newton County Post No. 89 The American Legion
Publisher city/state: Newton, MS
Date: 1933
Cover: WWI soldier
Title: Mississippi That Grand Old State of Mine
Item #: M 1621 .C66 M5 c.3
Librettist: R. Roy Coats
Composer: R. Roy Coats
Publisher: R. Roy Coats
Publisher city/state: University, MS
Date: 1930
Cover: MS Governor Dennis Murphree
Title: Mosquito
Item #: PS 3545 .E537 .M68 1926
Librettist: Flo Field Hampton
Composer: Flo Field Hampton
Publisher: Flo Field Hampton Publishing Co.
Publisher city/state: Crystal Springs, MS
Date: 1926
Cover: illustrated by Eudora Welty
Title: My Husband Casey Jones
Item #: M 1659.5 .J65 J6 1928
Librettist: Mrs. Casey Jones in collaboration w/ Lysle Tomerlin
Composer: Mrs. Casey Jones in collaboration w/ Lysle Tomerlin
Publisher: Laycook Music & Printing Co.
Publisher city/state: Jackson, TN
Date: 1928
Cover: Mrs. Casey Jones and Lysle Tomerlin, top reads “The Song Hit of a Century”
Title: My Southern Rose
Item #:
Librettist: Earl Taylor
Composer: Earl Taylor
Publisher: Harry Von Tilzer Music Publishing Co.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1909
Title: Now We Take This Feeble Body
Item #: M 1671 D4 N6 1943
Librettist: R. Nathaniel Dett
Composer: R. Nathaniel Dett
Publisher: Mills Music, Inc.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Title: Old Black Joe
Item #:
Composer: Charles Gimbel, Jr.
Publisher: Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Publisher city/state: Chicago, IL
Date: 1877
Title: Old Black Joe
Item #:
Composer: Fred Lewis
Publisher: McKinley Music Co.
Publisher city/state: Chicago, IL and New York, NY
Title: “Ole Miss”
Item #: M 1959 M7 U5
Librettist: Aileen H. Tye
Composer: Aileen H. Tye
Publisher: Gamble Hinged Music Co.
Publisher city/state: Chicago, IL
Date: 1931
Title: Old Folks At Home (Swanee River.) Variations
Item #:
Arranged by J. Albert Snow
Publisher: P.R. McCargo
Publisher city/state: Boston, MA
Date: 1889
Title: Our Flag and Its Origin
Item #: Not catalogued
Librettist: Harry Macarthy
Composer: Harry Macarthy
Publisher: A.E. Blackmar & Bro.
Publisher city/state: New Orleans, LA
Date: 1862
Title: Protect The Freedman
Item #: M 1640 .W4 1866
Librettist: Luke Collin
Composer: J.P. Webster
Publisher: Oliver Ditson & Co.
Publisher city/state: Boston, MA
Date: 1866
Title: Roll On, Mississippi, Roll On
Item #: Not catalogued
Librettist: Eugene West, James McCaffrey, and Dave Ringle
Composer: Eugene West, James McCaffrey, and Dave Ringle
Publisher: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Music Publishers
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1931
Cover: Wayne King
Title: September Rains Came
Item #: M 1630.2 S43 S46 1949
Librettist: Charles Nelson
Composer: David Slate
Publisher: D.S. Goforth
Publisher city/state: Oxford, MS
Date: 1949
Title: Silver Threads Among the Gold . Reverie
Item #: See Folder of fragment scores in box
Composer: H.P. Danks
Arranged by: P.F. del Campiglin
Publisher: Hamilton S. Gordon
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1911
Title: Southern Cross Drill
Item #:
Composer: T.J. Firth
Publisher: T.J. Firth
Publisher city/state:
Date: 1907
Cover: Capt. W.L. McLean, The only Survivor of the Southern Cross Drill, composed by Lieut. Dugan, of South Carolina, while a Prisoner of War in the U.S. Military Prison, Johnson’s Island, Lake Erie, Ontario, 1864. Top: Dedicated to “Southern Cross Drill Club” Memphis, TN.
Title: The Southern Marseillaise
Item #: Not catalogued
Composer: A. E. Blackmar
Publisher: Blackmar & Bro
Publisher city/state: Augusta, GA
Date: 1861
Title: The Southern Marseillaise
Item #:
Composer: A.E. Blackmar
Publisher: A.E. Blackmar & Bro.
Publisher city/state: New Orleans, LA
Date: 1861
Title: Summerland
Item #: M 25 .S86 .S8
Composer: William Grant Still
Publisher: J. Fischer & Bro.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1936
Cover: Field w/ trees.
Title: Sweet Mississippi
Item #: Not catalogued
Composer: J.H. Kavanagh
Publisher: Sep. Winner
Publisher city/state: Philadelphia, PA
Date: 1853
Title: There Is’nt Any North and South
Item #: not catalogued/G-14
Librettist: L.Z. Phillips
Composer: L.Z. Phillips
Publisher: Southern Music Co. (Copyright by Bluff City Engraving Co., Memphis, TN, 1909)
Publisher city/state: Memphis, TN
Date: 1909
Cover: Meeting of Generals Clement A. Evans and Fred D. Grant at the Confederate Reunion, Memphis, Tenn., June 10, 1909. Top reads “The North and South Clasp Hands.”
Title: Uncle Tom’s Lament for Eva
Item #:
Librettist: I. B. Woodbury
Composer: I. B. Woodbury
Publisher: Oliver Ditson
Publisher city/state: Boston, MA
Date: 1852
Title: Victory Tide
Item #: M 1533 S86 V5 1942
Librettist: Albert Stillman
Composer: William Grant Still
Publisher: J. Fischer & Bro.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Title: Walk Right In
Item #: Not Catalogued
Librettist: Gus Cannon and H. Woods
Composer: Gus Cannon and H. Woods
Publisher: Peer International Corporation
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1930/1963
Title: Waltzing in the Moonlight on Old Biloxi Bay
Item #: M 1658 .B54 .D5 1926
Librettist: Thomas F. Dillabough
Composer: Thomas F. Dillabough
Publisher: Thomas F. Dillabough
Publisher city/state: Gulfport, MS
Date: 1926
Title: What Dixie Means To Me
Item #: Not catalogued
Librettist: George B. McConnell and Billy Smythe
Composer: George B. McConnell and Billy Smythe
Publisher: Billy Smythe Music Co.
Publisher city/state: Louisville, KY
Date: 1917
Title: When I Dream of Old Erin
Item #:
Librettist: Marvin Lee
Composer: Leo Friedman
Publisher: Frank Clark Music Company
Publisher city/state: Chicago, IL
Title: The Yellow Rose of Texas
Item #: Not catalogued
Arranged by: Nick Manoloff
Publisher: Calumet Music Co.
Publisher city/state: Chicago, IL
Date: 1936
Cover: Bonnie Blue Eyes and Randall Atcher
Title: You Are My Sunshine
Item #: Not catalogued
Librettist: Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell
Composer: Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell
Publisher: Southern Music Publishing Company, Inc.
Publisher city/state: New York, NY
Date: 1940
Cover: Jimmie Davis
Title: You Will Know How I Love You
Item #:
Librettist: Harry Brunswick Lo뢍
Composer: R. Emmet Kennedy
Publisher: The Cable Company
Publisher city/state: New Orleans, LA
Date: 1907
Cover: autographed w/ message from R. Emmet Kennedy