Finding-Aid for the D.G.W. Ricketts Collection (MUM00389)
J.D. Williams Library
Department of Archives and Special Collections
P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848, USA
Phone: 662.915.7408
Fax: 662.915.5734
Access Restrictions
Use Restriction
BOX 1:
Folder 1: AD. Undated. Draft of Resume of D.G.W. Ricketts.
Folder 2: General Correspondence, 1917-1966.
Folder 3: Professional Correspondence, 1936-1966.
Folder 4: Correspondence and documents relating to Deer Island Project.
Folder 5: Miscellaneous notes.
Folder 6: TD. Undated. “Principal Undertaking, in the years listed, in the Civil Engineering and Surveying Experience of D.G.W. Ricketts, Registered Civil Engineer and Surveyor.”
Folder 7: Rickett’s original file entitled, “Procedure for co-ordinate calculations, etc.”
Folder 8: Rickett’s original file entitled, “Index Map of Oak Ridge.”
Folder 9: D.G.W. Rickett’s Certification of License (Canada, Louisiana, and Mississippi).
Folder 10: Miscellaneous charts and maps.
Folder 11: Periodical articles.
BOX 2:
Folder 1-Folder 8: TMs. Undated. Solution of Land Survey Problems/ D.G.W. Ricketts.
Box 3:
Folder 1: TMs. [1966]. Speech to Mississippi Association of Land Surveyors/ D.G.W. Ricketts.
Folder 2: TMs. Undated. “Retracing with Variations”/ [D.G.W. Ricketts?]
Folder 3: Rickett’s original file entitled, “Correspondence, book publication. January 18, 1965-June 14, 1966.”
Folder 4: Rickett’s original file entitled, “Solution of Triangles.”
Folder 5: Two spiral bound small notebooks [academic notes?].