Finding-Aid for the Chancellors Collection/Alfred Hume (MUM00534)
J.D. Williams Library
Department of Archives and Special Collections
P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848, USA
Phone: 662.915.7408
Fax: 662.915.5734
Access Restrictions
Use Restriction
Folder Title Inventory
Box 1
Folder No.:
1. Fulton Correspondence, 1892-1899.
2. Association of College and Preparatory Schools of the Southern States, 1912-1915.
3. Purchase Requisitions: Picture Show, 1918.
4. Purchase Requisitions: Physics, 1913-1920.
5. Kincannon, Miscellaneous, 1907-1911.
6. Hume, Miscellaneous, 1939-1941.
7. Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor’s Office, 1903-1940.
8. Memorial Address, 1917.
9. Carnegie Foundation, 1907-1908.
10. Business Office: Vouchers, Orders, Etc., 1894-1912.
11. Business Office, 1913-1942.
12. Athletic Department, not dated.
13. Administrative Council, 1938-1940.
14. Miscellaneous pamphlets, brochures, 1914-1941.
15. Alfred Hume Chemistry Notebook, 1885-1886.
16. Thanksgiving Day Proclamation, 1896.
Box 2
Folder No.:
1. Purchase Requisitions – High School Meet, 1914.
2. Purchase Requisitions – Biology, 1913-1920.
3. Rhodes Scholarships, not dated.
4. Miscellaneous Correspondence.
5. Hume, Miscellaneous.
6. Employement 1936.
7. Teacher Placement Bureau, not dated.
8. Summer School, 1899-1942.
9. Standing University Committees, 1941-1942.
10. Rhodes Scholarships, 1920.
11. T.L.S. 29 September 1915.
12. Rhodes Scholarships, 1914.
13. Rhodes Scholarships, 1913.
14. Receipts and Invoices, 1907.
15. Rhodes Scholarships, 1912.
16. Rhodes Scholarships, 1911.
17. Purchase Requisitions – Physical Education, 1913-1920.
18. Association of College and Preparatory Schools of the Southern States, 1909-1911.
19. Purchase Requisitions: Personal, 1913-1918.
20. Purchase Requisitions: Oratory, 1916.
21. Purchase Requisitions: Medical School, 1913-1920.
22. Purchase Requisitions: Library, 1913-1920.
23. Purchase Requisitions: Law, 1914.
24. Purchase Requisitions: Laundry, 1914-1920.
25. Purchase Requisitions: Hospital, 1913-1918.
26. Purchase Requisitions: Home Economics, 1913-1918.
27. Purchase Requisitions: Gold, 1920.
28. Purchase Requisitions: Engineering, 1913-1920.
29. Purchase Requisitions: Education, 1913-1914.
30. Purchase Requisitions: Dining Hall, 1913-1914.
Box 3
Folder No.:
1. Mathematics Department, 1940.
2. Board of Trustees, 1934.
3. Registrar, 1915-1941.
4. School of Pharmacy, not dated.
5. Personnel, 1938-1940.
6. Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1892-1911.
7. Purchase Requisitions: Co-op Boarding Club, 1914-1918.
8. Purchase Requistions: Chemistry, 1913-1919.
9. Purchase Requisitions: Chancellor’s Office, 1917.
10. Purchase Requisitions: Business School, 1918.
11. Student Personnel, 1938.
12. Purchase Requisitions, Buildings, 1913-1918.
13. Rhodes Scholarships, 1910.
14. Rhodes Scholarships, 1909.
15. Rhodes Scholarships, 1908.
16. Rhodes Scholarships, 1907.
17. Rhodes Scholarships, 1906.
18. Rhodes Scholarships, 1905.
19. Rhodes Scholarships, 1904.
20. Rhodes Scholarships, 1903.
21. Rhodes Scholarships, 1902.
22. YWCA Requisitions, 1914.
23. YWCA Requisitions, 1913-1919.
24. Travel Expenses, 1919.
25. Power Plant Requisitions, 1913-1917.
Box 4
Folder No.:
1. Miscellaneous Papers and Pamphlets.
2. Miscellaneous, 1911-1912, 1938.
3. Mathematics Department, 1936-1942.
4. Liberal ARts, 1917-1941.
5. Law School, not dated.
6. Hospital, 1914.
7. Graduate School, 1938-1942.
8. Extension Office, 1940.
9. English Department, 1936-1937.
10. School of Engineering, 1913-1921.
11. Disciplinary Action, 1917-1920.
12. Deaths, 1911, 1936.
13. Dean of Women, not dated.
14. Cottages, 1911-1913.
15. Co-Operative Board Club, not dated.
16. Committee of Deans, 1918.
17. Chapel Excuses, 1914-1920.
18. Railroad Bridge, 1906-1907.
19. World War II.
20. Lighting, 1907.
Box 5
Folder No.:
1. Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1910-1915.
2. Extrance Exams, 1905-1912: Greek.
3. Entrance Exams, 1905-1909: Geometry.
4. Entrance Exams, 1905-1912: German.
5. Entrance Exams, 1906-1912: French.
6. Entrance Exams, 1906-1912: Algebra.
7. Entrance Exams, 1907-1912: American History.
8. Entrance Exams, 1907-1912: Botany.
9. Entrance Exams, 1907-1912: Chemistry.
10. Entrance Exams, 1905-1912: English.
11. Entrance Exams, 1906-1912: English History.
12. Exam Instructions.
13. Admission Applications, S-V.
14. Admission Applications, A-C, 1915.
15. Entrance Exams, 1905-1912: Zoology.
16. Entrance Exams, 1905-1912: Solid Geometry.
17. Entrance Exams, 1910, 1912: Plane Geometry.
18. Entrance Exams, 1905-1912: Physiology.
19. Entrance Exams, 1905-1912: Physics.
20. Entrance Exams, 1905-1912: Physical Geography.
21. Entrance Exams, 1910, 1912: Medieval and Modern History.
22. Entrance Exams, 1906-1912: Latin.
23. Entrance Exams, 1905-1912: Greek and Roman History.
Box 6
Folder No.:
1. Admission Applications, N-R, 1915.
2. Admission Applications, J-M, 1915.
3. Admission Applications, D-H, 1915.