Finding-Aid for the Pilgrimage Collection (MUM00365)
J.D. Williams Library
Department of Archives and Special Collections
P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848, USA
Phone: 662.915.7408
Fax: 662.915.5734
Access Restrictions
Use Restriction
1. Inventory.
2. “Columbus Mississippi March 30-April 4, 1971 Pilgrimage”.
3. “Carrolton Pilgrimage April 5-6, 1975”.
4. “Hattiesburg Mississippi March 24 and 26 1972 Pilgrimage”.
5. “Holly Springs Garden Club Sponsors Third Annual Pilgrimage to Historical Houses April 22nd through April 26th, 1939”.
6. “Annual Pilgrimage to the Historic Houses” (Holly Springs — April 23rd through April 30th, 1950).
7. “Annual Pilgrimage . .” (Holly Springs — April 22nd through April 29th, 1951).
8. “We Welcome You to the 16th Annual Pilgrimage . .” (Holly Springs — April 20th through April 27th, 1952).
9. “Annual Pilgrimage . .” (Holly Springs — April 23, 24, and 25, 1954).
10. “Annual Pilgrimage to the Historic Homes in Holly Springs, MS April 22, 23, and 24, 1955” (2 and a partial copies).
11. “Annual Pilgrimage . .” (Holly Springs — April 27, 28, 29, 1956).
12. “Historic Homes in Holly Springs, Mississippi” (April 22, 23, 24, 1960).
13. “25th Annual Pilgrimage to Historic Homes” (Holly Springs — April 26, 27, 28, 1963).
14. “Holly Springs 26th Annual Pilgrimage April 24-24-26, 1964”.
15. “Hollly Springs 39th Annual Pilgrimage” (April 22, 23, 24, 1977).
16. “Jackson Pilgrimage is Highway to History 1964” (in Scope March 1964).
17. “Pilgrimage Week April 2nd through April 8th 1934” (Natchez).
18. “Pilgrimage Week March 31st through April 7th 1935” (Natchez).
19. “Tenth Annual Pilgrimage Sponsored by the Natchez Garden Club” (1941).
20. “March 2-23 Annually Pilgrimage Garden Club Natchez-on-Mississippi . .” (c.1941).
21. “Natchez Pilgrimage March 7 Through April 7, 1942” (2 copies).
22. “Pilgrimage Garden Club Natchez-on-the-Mississippi Sponsors 11th Annual Pilgrimage March 1 through April 1, 1942”.
23. “The Pilgrimage Garden Club Natchez-on-the-Mississippi Sponsors Annual Pilgrimage” (March 2nd through March 31st 1946).
24. “Natchez Pilgrimage February 28 Through March 29, 1953”.
25. “Natchez Pilgrimage February 27 Through March 31, 1954”.
26. “Natchez Pilgrimage March 1 Through march 30 1958”.
27. “Tour Number One Friday Afternoon October 31, 1958” (Natchez).
28. “1966 Pilgrimage” (Natchez).
29. “The Confederate Pageant 1973” (Natchez — 2 copies).
30. “Natchez Pilgrimage March 10 Through April 8, 1973” (2 copies).
31. “Southern Exposure — The Comedy About Pilgrimage by Owen Crump March 11 Thru April 8, 1973”.
32. “Natchez Pilgrimage March 9 Through April 7, 1974”.
33. “Natchez On The Mississippi Fall Pilgrimage October 10-24, 1981”.
34. “Come to Natchez Mississippi” (n.d.).
35. “Natchez Pilgrimage Tours” (n.d.).
36. “Oxford’s First Pilgrimage April 17, 18, 19, 1964” (4 copies).
37. “Oxford’s Second Pilgrimage April 30, May 1, 2, 1965” (3 copies).
38. “Oxford’s Fourth Pilgrimage April 14-15-16, 1967”.
39. “Oxford’s Fifth Pilgrimage April 19,20,21, 1968” (2 copies).
40. “Oxford’s Sixth Pilgrimage April 18, 19, 20, 1969” (2 copies).
41. “Oxford’s Seventh Pilgrimage April 17, 18, 19, 1970”.
42. “Oxford Eighth Pilgrimage April 16, 17, 18, 1971” (2 copies).
43. “Oxford-Lafayette County Ninth Pilgrimage April 21, 22, 23 1972” (3 copies).
44. “Oxford-Lafayette County Tenth Pilgrimage April 13, 14, 15 1973” (2 copies).
45. “Oxford’s Eleventh Pilgrimage April 19, 20, 21, 1974”.
46. “The Great Oxford Pilgrimage” (1974).
47. “Oxford’s Twelfth Pilgrimage April 18, 19, 20, 1975” (2 copies).
48. “The Fourteenth Annual Oxford Pilgrimage” (1977).
49. “The Seventeenth Annual Oxford Pilgrimage April 18, 19, 20, 1980”.
50. “First Annual Pilgrimage” (Woodville — March 11-April 2, 1938).
51. “1955 Annual Spring Pilgrimage Sponsored by the Mississippi Gulf Coast Council of Garden Clubs”.
52. “1957 Annual Spring Pilgrimage” (Mississippi Gulf Coast).
53. “Mississippi Pilgrimage Time ” (1961).
54. “Pilgrimage Time in Mississippi” (1963).
55. “1972 Pilgrimage Week in Mississippi April 1st Through April 8th”.
56. “Mississippi 1972 Pilgrimage Events”.
57. “Mississippi Pilgrimage Events 1974”.
58. “Mississippi Pilgrimage Events 1975”.
59. “1976 Mississippi Pilgrimages & Events”.
60. “Mississippi 1977 Pilrimages & Events”.
61. “Mississippi Pilgrimage Guide 1978”.
62. Scenic South (March 1954).
63. Scenic South (March 1963, April 1963).
64. Scenic South (April 1966).
65. Bell Notes (1976).
66. Oxford Pilgrimage 1981.
Accretion to Mississippi Pilgrimage Collection
72. “Historic Aberdeen, MS” – 5th Annual (1979)
73. “Carollton Pilgrimage” (March 31 – April 1, 1973)
74. “Historic Highlights of Columbus, MS” (n.d.)
75. “Holly Springs 47th Annual Pilgrimage” (April 26 – 28, 1985)
76. “Where the Old South Meets the New” Holly Springs (c. 1969)
77. “The Confederate Pageant” Natchez (1953)
78. “Where the Old South Still Lives” Natchez (1958)
79. Invitation to Andrew Miller from John Miller,Jr. – Pilgrimage
Garden Club (1966)
80. “Visit Rosalie” Natchez (n.d.)
81. “It’s Pilgrimage Time” The Oxford Eagle (April 15, 1975)
82. Oxford – Lafayette County Pilgrimage Committee – Handbill (n.d)
83. “Oxford Pilgrimage Festival – Points of Interest” (n.d.)
84. Oxford’s Pilgrimage – Map (n.d.)
85. The Bell Tel News – “It’s Pilgrimage Time!” (March 1958)
86. Gulf Graphic – Pilgrimage Edition (Feb. 28, 1968 – March 1, 1975)
87. “MS 1972 Pilgrimage Events”
88. Bell Notes (Feb. 1974)