Finding-Aid for the Mississippi Economic Council Collection (MUM00304)
J.D. Williams Library
Department of Archives and Special Collections
P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848, USA
Phone: 662.915.7408
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Mississippi Economic Council Collection Inventory
1. Mississippi Economic Council’s Weekly Economic Bulletin. March 16, 1956 through January 7, 1966 (not a continuous run).
2. “Taxes — Their Sources, Philosophies and Impact” by Alex McKeigney. Presented before the 1955 Legislative Clinics sponsored by the Mississippi Press Association and the Mississippi Economics Council.
3. Changing the Constitution: A Factual Citizen-Study, Telling: History, Methods of Revision, Some Revisions Others Suggest, and Pro and Con Arguments. released by the Mississippi Economic Council (1956-57).
4. “Why the Justice of the Peace System Should Be Abolished and How to Do It” by C.S. Tindall. presented at Afternoon Session, Mississippi Economic Council (April 10, 1955).
5. “A Short Discussion of the Mississippi Economic Council’s Proposal for Abolition of the Office of the Justice of the Peace and Creation of a System of Magistrate Courts” (June 20, 1956).
6. “Announcing Six Public Forums to Answer Your Questions About the New Federal Aid Highway Program” postal circular of the Mississippi Economic Council (1957).
7. “Policies of the Mississippi Economic Council the State Chamber of Commerce in Local, State and National Affairs (February 1963).
8. “Dated Bulletin” (December 13, 1966) concerning the results of a 1966 Mississippi Economic Council Study of the Effects of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on Mississippi Employers of 100 or More.
9. Policies and Recommendations (April 30, 1973).
10. Action vol. 25, no. 11 (March 1974).
11. Policies and Recommendations (April 30, 1976).
12. Policies and Recommendations (April 30, 1978).
13. Issues ’80. indicates position of Mississippi Economic Council on 25 issues important to Mississippi in the 1980 election.
14. “Mississippi State Chamber of Commerce, Mississippi Economic Council, Guide for Action for the 12th Year May 1, 1960-April 30, 1961.”
15. “1861-1961 Your Personal Invitation to the 12th Annual Meeting Mississippi State Chamber of Commerce (Mississippi Economic Council), Thursday, April 6, 1961 . .”
16. February 28, 1958 “Special Bulletin” Mississippi Economic Council.
17. MS 1956 Tax Calender and Major Reporting Dates
18. Action Urgent – Membership of MS Legislature as of Dec. 2, 1963
19. News Bulletin (Sept. 1966 – July, 1967)
20. Legislative Action – “Weekly Summary” (March 14, 1975)
21. Mississippi Economic Council brochure announcing “Six Public
Forums”, 1957.