Finding-Aid for the William Alexander Percy SMMSS (MUM00361)
J.D. Williams Library
Department of Archives and Special Collections
P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848, USA
Phone: 662.915.7408
Fax: 662.915.5734
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A.M.S. “For a Word,” on Occidental House, Muskegon, Michigan letterhead, undated (00-418).
T.L.S. Robert B. Holland, Department of English, Mississippi State University, 30 April 1969, re: William Alexander Percy house in Greenville (95-8).
“The Little Shepherd’s Song,” sheet music, by William Alexander Percy, 1922 (00-417).
T.M., “In April Once,” screenplay by Percy, undated (00-1011).
T.M. [Carbon] “William Alexander Percy: Criticisms,” undated (00-1084).
William Alexander Percy SMMSS Oversized D-5
Sheet Music. “The Little Shepherd’s Song” Words by Wm. Alexander Percy, Music by Wintter Watts.
William Alexander Percy, “For Rip Who Died Mad” in The Bookman (January 1926): 439.
William Alexander Percy, “Jest Fode” in Harper’s Magazine (March 1941): 400+.
William Alexander Percy, “At Portofino” in RCA Radiotron (April 2, 1927): 38.
William Alexander Percy, “Remembrance of Things Past” in Time (March 24, 1941): 90-91.
William Alexander Percy, “Sonnets” in Virginia Quarterly Review (April 1927): 226-227.